Robinson Elementary School

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Our School » The 4 Bs Code of Conduct (Positive Behavior)

The 4 Bs Code of Conduct (Positive Behavior)

                          Robinson Riptides Code of Conduct

                   “Be a Riptide.  Show You Care!”

Be Safe

*Walk when moving about the campus

*Be mindful of others and your surroundings

*Sit on benches while eating

*Play in designated areas

*Keep your hands to yourself

*Use playground equipment and classroom supplies safely

*Keep “wheels” off campus

*Tell an adult if someone is showing unsafe behavior

*Know what to do in an emergency and respond quickly


Be Kind

*Greet others in class and in the hallways with a smile and nice manners

*Help out fellow Riptides in need

*Be an upstander, not a bystander or bully

*Include others in playground games, class activities, and when at lunch

*Share and take turns

*Use the “Golden Rule”

*Be mindful of others and their feelings

*Be polite and use kind words


Be Respectful

*Raise your hand and take your turn

*Listen politely to others

*Use manners to show your respect

*Be open to new ideas

*Follow directions the first time

*Keep the restrooms clean and respect the privacy of others          

*Walk quietly through hallways and stay on pathways


Be Responsible

*Be prepared for school with school supplies, homework, and belongings

*Behave scholarly by studying and being prepared for learning each day          

*Put all materials and play equipment away properly

 *Keep our school clean and litter free

 *Be honest, trustworthy, and accept responsibility for your behavior


Click below to see the presentations from Katie Hurley about Cyberbullying and Relational Aggression: