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MCHS Key Club Toy Drive

MCHS Key Club Toy Drive
4/29/2017, 9:00 AM 2:00 PM
Flag pole @ Admin Office, 1401 Artesia


Got toys? It's time to clean out all of those closets and shelves to find something that might be meaningful to another child. Here to help is the Manhattan Beach Kiwanis Club and its sponsored youth group, the Mira Costa Key Club, which will host their 6th Annual Toy Drive on Saturday, April 29, at Mira Costa High School.

Toys may be dropped off on Saturday between 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at the turn-around in front of the Mira Costa Administration Building, located at 1401 Artesia Boulevard. New and gently used children’s toys, books, and complete games, as well as stuffed animals and dolls, are welcome. 

The toys collected at the drive will go to the Los Angeles County Toy Loan Program, a free service that allows children to borrow toys from a Toy Loan Center in the same manner in which they borrow books from the public library. 

Through the Toy Loan Program, children borrow toys once a week. A child can earn a new toy by taking good care of the toys they borrow and bringing the toys back on time. The Toy Loan Program develops a sense of responsibility in children through the observance of an honor code and merit system that gives praise and recognition when toys are returned on time and undamaged.

The Toy Loan Program is a 501(c)(3) organization sponsored by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services, and all donations are tax deductible.

The Manhattan Beach Kiwanis Club was chartered in Manhattan Beach in 1956, and is a local chapter of an international service organization dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time. The Mira Costa Key Club, the sponsored youth program of the Manhattan Beach Kiwanis Club, provides high school students with an opportunity to perform service projects throughout the community and surrounding areas.

The Manhattan Beach Kiwanis Club is looking for new members who are interested in supporting children’s causes in our local community. The Club generally meets the second Monday evening of the month, from 5:30-7:00 p.m., at Tin Roof Bistro in Manhattan Beach. Anyone interested in learning more about Manhattan Beach Kiwanis Club may contact past president DeAnn Chase ([email protected]).…

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