Dear Robinson Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Robinson Elementary School, our little school by the sea! It is a pleasure to introduce myself as your new Principal. This is my 16th year in MBUSD, and I could not be more excited to continue serving our community in this capacity. Over the last three years, I served as vice principal at Manhattan Beach Middle School. Previous to this, I spent 12 years as the MBUSD elementary orchestra teacher, serving all five elementary schools in the District. I am thrilled to be returning to the elementary level where I have spent the majority of my career, and proud to be rejoining the Robinson Riptide community!
At Robinson, we are proud of our commitment to academic excellence and educating the whole child. We believe all students can achieve. Our dedicated staff collaborates in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to study student progress and deliver individualized instruction to ensure all students achieve their personal best. Thanks to the robust support of the Robinson PTSA and the Manhattan Beach Education Foundation (MBEF), students have access to a variety of programs that allow them to discover their passions and receive a well-rounded education. Music and the arts, Makerspace and science lab, physical education, library, engaging assemblies, field trips, and more are all made possible through these partnerships.
It is our top priority at Robinson for all students to feel safe and have a sense of belonging. We value teaching inclusion, social-emotional learning, and a growth mindset as part of a comprehensive educational experience. Robinson is proud to have earned the Anti-Defamation League’s No Place for Hate (NPFH) designation over several consecutive years. Through NPFH, we are able to teach students to appreciate and celebrate differences and empower them to become effective allies. Additionally, Robinson implements RULER, a program developed by Yale’s Center for Emotional Intelligence, to build the social-emotional competencies of our students.
This year we will be introducing Robinson Riptide P.R.I.D.E. as the new theme for our Schoolwide Expectations and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program. P.R.I.D.E. represents the character traits that we strive to emulate each day to ensure Robinson is a safe and welcoming environment for optimal learning. Riptides are…
- Persistent & Patient
- Respectful & Responsible
- Inclusive
- Determined & Brave
- Empathetic & Kind
I hope you are as excited as I am about the year ahead! The sky's the limit when we have Riptide P.R.I.D.E as our guide, and I look forward to taking part in the new heights that our students, staff, and community will reach this school year.
Katie Cavallaro
Robinson Elementary School Principal