About Robinson’s PTA
Robinson’s Parent Teacher Student Association is the volunteer organization responsible for meeting all of our school-specific needs (e.g. supplies, technology, field trips, educational programs, capital improvements, etc.) and the entity that provides all the voluntary people power to make activities and improvements at Robinson possible.
Anyone who cares about Robinson can become a member of our PTSA. To be a member in good standing, all you need to do is to pay the $20 membership fee. This base membership is how you voice your support for education. A membership also connects you to both statewide and national Parent Teacher Association resources. While there are numerous parent groups out there, there is only one PTA, which is the largest children’s advocacy organization in the country and which has been representing parents, teachers, and students for over 120 years.
Robinson PTSA has many illustrious alumni including current MBUSD Board President Jen Fenton and MBEF Executive Director Hillary Mahan, both of whom served as President of Robinson’s PTSA before taking on new leadership roles in support of the district.
To take part in shaping the educational experience at Robinson, be sure to join our PTSA. Get involved by volunteering, and show your children that school matters. You may also want to consider joining our PTSA Board!
General Robinson PTA Meeting Minutes