Robinson Elementary School

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Health Office Reminders

When to keep your child home
  • Vomiting and Diarrhea
  • Fever of 100F or above (measured orally)
  • Severe Cold Symptoms—constant cough, sneezing, or nasal drainage
  • Flu—fever accompanied by body aches and headache
  • Contagious or infectious diseases
This list is not comprehensive. Any time your child is not well it is advised that they stay home for observation. If your child displays these symptoms during the school day, you will be contacted to pick up your sick child.

When your child may return to school
  • Your child may return to school when they have remained FREE of the above symptoms for a 24–hour period.
  • Rashes of unknown origin require a physician’s note indicating the diagnosis and releasing your child to return to school.
  • Infections like Conjunctivitis (pinkeye) or Strep Throat may return to school after 24–hours or more of physician prescribed medication.
Staying Inside for Health Reasons
Children who must stay indoors during any normal out–of–doors period must have the approval of the health assistant, or a signed note from the parent. Students must have a doctor’s note for a physical education program release, or for prolonged periods of indoor confinement.

Taking Medicine at School
If your child is required by the doctor to take prescribed medication or over–the–counter medicines, it is necessary that you follow these steps:
  • Submit a written request that the school give this assistance.
  • Submit a written statement from the doctor with the method (amount, and time schedule for administering) for either the prescription or over–the–counter medication.
  • Label the medicine with the child’s name, dosage, frequency, doctor’s name, and the doctor’s phone number. Medicine must be in the original container.
*Below are links to Health Office Reminders that include health forms & guidelines:
Health Office Reminder Guidelines, TB Notice, TB Questionnaire, Guidlines for Exclusion
Health Office Reminder Guidelines
TB Notice
TB Questionnaire